Uncover the Scoop on Soluble Psyllium Fiber and How To Take

Psyllium fiber is a soluble fiber that is utilized as an effective low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol reducer, laxative, and stool-softening agent in the human body. As a soluble fiber, psyllium swells as it comes into contact with liquids. This creates a gel-like substance that aids in excreting digested particles through the intestines. It is bred by the Plantago ovata herb, also known as P. indica or P. psyllium, and is predominantly found in India.
Psyllium fiber comes from the “husk” or outer coating of psyllium plant seeds. This husk has been found to be very effective for lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol among individuals who have previously experienced elevated cholesterol levels.

Microbiome Fiber Supplement
Cooper Complete® Daily Prebiotic Microbiome Fiber supplement contains 6 grams of tasteless and gritless soluble fiber and is low FODMAP to support gastrointestinal health and regularity.†
$30.48 Add to cartHow does fiber lower LDL cholesterol levels? The answer is simple: soluble fiber attaches to cholesterol particles in the intestine and prevents them from entering the bloodstream by allowing these particles to be excreted via feces with the fiber.
What Else Could Psyllium Fiber Be Used For?
Research suggests psyllium husk, which is 70 percent soluble fiber, might also be effective for relieving gastrointestinal issues, high blood pressure, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and lowering blood sugar after a meal. The research is inconclusive in this area, and there is individual variation, so consult your physician and registered dietitian before you begin a regimen involving psyllium husk.
Individuals with diverticulitis may be advised to take Citrucel®, a soluble fiber made from methylcellulose, to prevent excess gas and gastrointestinal distress. Even though it is a soluble fiber, methylcellulose will not help to lower cholesterol. If you are looking for fiber products to lower your blood cholesterol, it is important to make sure the product contains soluble fiber, as insoluble fiber does not lower cholesterol.
Recommended Intake
The National Institute of Health (NIH) reports that individuals who consume approximately “10 to 12 grams [psyllium] daily in combination with a low-fat or high-fat diet, can reduce levels of total cholesterol by three to 14 percent and LDL cholesterol by five to 10 percent in seven weeks or more of treatment.”
The Federal Drug and Food Administration (FDA) recommends consuming at least seven grams of soluble fiber from psyllium husk to reduce an individual’s risk for coronary heart disease. Note this recommendation does not correlate with the total number of grams of psyllium in the product. Therefore, look at the ingredient panel to confirm that you are getting seven grams of soluble fiber coming from psyllium husk.
When starting a fiber supplement, begin with a low dose and gradually increase the amount of fiber taken. For example, mix one-half teaspoon of psyllium husk or powder in six to eight ounces of water in the morning or before bedtime once daily. Add an additional one-half teaspoon daily each week until a daily total of seven grams of soluble fiber from psyllium husk is met. Fluid consumption, particularly water, is imperative when consuming psyllium, as the substance might thicken rapidly in the esophagus and could lead to choking.
Psyllium Fiber Forms
Psyllium is offered in two forms in medications and supplements: seed form and husk form. While the seed form is typically much more expensive, the FDA only offers cholesterol-lowering recommendations for psyllium husk. The husk form is also found in powder form.
If you are looking to lower your total cholesterol and LDL, you should aim to consume seven grams of soluble fiber from psyllium husk or powder. When purchasing psyllium products, check to see if soluble fiber is listed on the product label (bulk products). Once you locate it on the label, look for how many grams equals a serving size and multiply that number by 70 percent. For example, a serving size for psyllium husk may read “two teaspoons (10 grams)”. Multiply 10 grams x .70 = seven grams.
To incorporate psyllium into your daily nutrition, begin to add slowly and start with one-half teaspoon per day and increase as tolerated. Aim to drink eight ounces of water with every teaspoon of psyllium every day.
If you are interested in a soluble fiber that does not clump or thicken into a gel-like consistency, consider Microbiome Fiber, that’s a soluble fiber from guar gum. (Learn about the health benefits of Microbiome Fiber.)