Frequently Asked Questions - Cooper Complete Nutritional Supplement
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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Cooper Complete vitamins and dietary supplements.

What vitamins and supplements should I take?

This is the most frequently asked question. Take the right supplements for you. Our short Cooper Complete Vitamin Assessment will give you a quick idea of what supplements we recommend you take.

What’s the best time to take my vitamins and supplements?

For most supplements, when you take your vitamin can impact absorption.

Do you have vitamins and supplements for people with swallowing issues?

Yes. Michele Kettles, MD, MSPH, preventive medicine physician at Cooper Clinic has supplement solutions for individuals who have swallowing difficulties.

What are lutein and zeaxanthin?

Lutein and zeaxanthin, found in high concentrations of the macula of the eye, are carotenoids that may prevent cell damage by acting as antioxidants in removing destructive free oxygen radicals. Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in dark leafy greens including kale, turnip, and collard greens, spinach, corn, and egg yolks. Studies show these two carotenoids provide some protection against age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people ages 65 and older. Lutein has also been shown to be beneficial to maintaining skin health.

Are there Cooper Complete vitamins that cannot be taken together?

No. It is safe for adults to take any Cooper Complete multivitamin and mineral formulation with any/all of our dietary supplements.

What is Lycopene

Lycopene is a carotenoid found primarily in tomatoes, red grapefruit, apricots and watermelon. It gives them their red color. Several studies with reported food intake have found that men who eat more tomatoes and tomato products have a lower risk of prostate cancer. Lycopene is also being researched to determine a potential benefit against cancer, coronary artery disease, and macular degeneration.

Does Cooper Complete comply with Food and Drug Administration GMPs?

We take pride in providing the highest quality products to our customers. All of our vitamins and supplements are manufactured in facilities that are compliant with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) set by the FDA.

How are Cooper Complete products formulated?

Formulas are developed and revised based on the recommendations of the Cooper Complete scientific advisory team. The team includes Dr. Kenneth Cooper (“father of aerobics” and founder of Cooper Aerobics Center) and physicians and registered dietitians from Cooper Clinic and The Cooper Institute non-profit research organization.

Where are Cooper Complete supplements manufactured?

All Cooper Complete supplements are manufactured here in the United States.

Are there other supplements I should take in addition to Cooper Complete multivitamins?

To maintain cardiovascular health, we recommend that adults take a Cooper Complete multivitamin as well as Cooper Complete Advanced Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). In addition, women may also need calcium. Individuals on statin medications may need to take additional coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Our original multivitamin formulations contain 50 mg CoQ10, but physicians recommend 100 mg per day, or more, for individuals on statin medications.

What is Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinone, is found in every cell in the body. Its main function is to serve as a catalyst to convert the food we eat into energy. CoQ10 also acts as a powerful antioxidant. Some studies have suggested that CoQ10 could play a role in protecting the body against tissue damage from congestive heart failure, heart attacks, heart disease, retina deterioration, breast cancer, and a number of other diseases. CoQ10 levels decrease with age. CoQ10 may also be depleted in people who are taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

Does taking a baby Aspirin (81 Mg) or Adult Aspirin (325 Mg) prevent me from taking Cooper Complete vitamins?

No. The combined effect of vitamin E and aspirin is not a problem at these dosages.

Is Cooper Concepts, Inc., A GMP Certified Company?

Cooper Concepts, Inc., which markets Cooper Complete nutritional supplements, is not a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certified company, however, our manufacturing facilities hold these certifications.

Do Cooper Complete products include raw materials from China?

Raw materials come from around the world, including China. A Vendor Qualification Program is in place to ensure that only product that has been vetted is accepted into the facility. All incoming product is accompanied by a certificate of analysis. The product is quarantined in the manufacturing facility until it undergoes testing to ensure that the product received is in fact as stated and meets guidelines.

Can I take Cooper Complete multivitamins and mineral supplements as a prenatal vitamin?

While we are frequently asked about using a Cooper Complete multivitamin as a prenatal vitamin, it is best to consult your personal physician before taking any supplement. Cooper Complete multivitamin and mineral supplement contains higher levels of the B-complex vitamins than are found in prenatal vitamins. Cooper Complete multivitamin and mineral supplement contains 200 mcg of folic acid, an important vitamin in preventing neural tube defects.

Is Beta Carotene in Cooper Complete multivitamins?

Yes, vitamin A, the first ingredient on the label, is beta carotene. The FDA specifications for vitamin labels require the ingredients to be listed by the vitamin’s name. Beta carotene is a provitamin to vitamin A and is actually converted by the body into vitamin A.

Why isn’t Calcium in Cooper Complete multivitamins?

Calcium requirements are dependent upon both gender and age. Because Cooper Complete multivitamins are formulated for men and women, it was best to leave calcium out of the formula.

Does Cooper Complete contain natural Vitamin E?

All of the multivitamin and mineral formulations contain d-alpha tocopherol, the natural form of vitamin E. Studies have shown that natural vitamin E is not only better absorbed but also better retained in the body than the synthetic form, dl-alpha-tocopherol. (Note: To remember the difference between natural d-alpha-tocopherol and synthetic dl-alpha-tocopherol, think “d” for delivers and “dl” for delivers less.)

Why is there color variation in some of your products?
Color variation is common in many natural products. Products containing more than one ingredient are more likely to have a greater color variation. This is not a cause for concern. Each ingredient is sampled, tested, and inspected before being used in our products. Additionally, a sample of each finished product is sampled, tested, and inspected to ensure any variation does not impact the quality of the finished product.
I see Amazon Pay on the website. What is Amazon Pay?
Amazon Pay is a payment option that lets you use the personal details (your name, billing and shipping addresses, and payment information) stored in your Amazon account to purchase items on the Cooper Complete website.  This means you don’t have to take the time to manually input all of this information in order to make a purchase on this website. When prompted, input the email address and password you use when you log-in to Amazon, and Amazon will automatically populate your personal details onto the fields on the order form.
What is California’s Proposition 65?

Sometimes you will see a product that has a sticker with a warning as required by California Prop65.  These rules pertain to products that contain one, of over 800 chemicals designated by the state of California as potentially causing cancer or birth defects. These requirements are very stringent and do not correlate with the limits of other regulatory agencies, including the FDA and WHO. The presence of a Prop 65 warning does not mean that the product is harmful. Prop 65 is meant to inform California residents of potential exposure to Prop 65 listed chemicals. Products with these chemicals are not banned. Many of the chemicals listed are naturally occurring through the environment, air, soil, and water.

When appropriate, we label items sold to customers in California with Prop 65 warnings to ensure compliance with Prop 65.

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